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Founded in 2006, Unitedparts Supplies Co., Ltd. has provided professional and precise casting parts for various customers. To date, we have nearly 20 years of experience and have manufactured more than 1,000 customized products. We have worked closely with nearly 100 experienced suppliers and provided the products to Europe and the U.S.

Quality assurancedemonstrates our professional attitude.
We work with suppliers full of skill ,experience , completed machines and quality management system.

We havethe ability to customize products of various industries, such as automatic door parts, automobile parts, wheelchairs, agricultural machinery parts and precision electronic communication parts.
We have built a long-lasting relationship with 15 customers, the longest one has been famous in the field of automatic doors.

  • provide professional and precise casting parts for various customers
  • full of skill, experience, completed machines, and quality management system
  • customize products of various industries